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Showing posts from October, 2016

Storytellers Can't Afford "Free" Speech!

More than entertainment. Join the movement! Harriet Tubman protected us. She came for us. Will you protect her? They are coming after her legacy. The "scholars" are picking her apart and putting her together as a wonderful woman of "faith and family." No longer will she be "the Moses" of her people." Hollywood is fast crafting her as a suffragette and American hero. No longer will she be the revolutionary. Why protect and expand her legacy? In reality, they are coming for our children. You see, while history is about the past, it serves the present and future. Will her story serve us or those who profit from our misery? There are many ways we can't protect our children and our people - this is one way we can stand our ground. She waded through swamps and crawled in the grass like a snake to get to us. She braved cold winters and the threat of death to get us to the next level of freedom. Will you inconvenience yourself? Come, we'll...

The Story Precedes the Revolution!

Asa G. Hilliard (Nana Baffour) once said: "I sure hope they (white Americas) don't come to love Black people the way they "love" the Native Americans. He was speaking of the empty love found in the adoration of Native American things from sweat lodges to turquoise beads. That's what I thought of when I first heard about  Araminta Harriet Tubman's  latest honor of being selected to grace the  US $20.00 bill . More than many others, Dr. Hilliard knew the power of story and of memory - especially group memory. As educators and parents, we too know the power of story. Araminta WHB Story in Atlanta, GA This Araminta Harriet Tubman Warrior-Healer-Builder presentation re-teaches us how to tell our stories from the "inside-out" not by lecturing, but by actually demonstrating it with a needed and poignant story of Harriet Tubman - a story designed to help us control her narrative! To Asa's point, the only way that they can ...

AYA Fall Student Demonstrations - Oct 15-22 | Webinars and Face-2-Face

Saturday, October 15th 10am-1pm AYA Students on Dr. Amos N. Wilson Five AYA high school students are in  LEAP  this year. Ndahye, Nadir, Farasha, Allie, Kefentse are the pilot group, the originators, the trail blazers. They are charged with dissecting Amos N. Wilson’s Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness text. On Saturday, Oct. 15th they will present to you their understanding, discoveries and their experience learning so far. They will share and we will discuss what they see, what we see and the implication of their discoveries for themselves and our people. Where: 1879 Columbia Dr. Decatur, GA 30032 Look for Hillside Presbyterian Church and the Kilombo Academic and Cultural Institute signs. The students will also share info from one other core course and one elective of their choice. Attend in person, if you can. Out of Town? Use the web  ink or phone : 213-416-1560 - Code 2776739#. Web link is best! Care abo...

Searching, She Said: "I Don't Get It."

Vicki, a sincere responder to a FB post, provided an impetus for my writing this morning. Maybe you know some others who don't get it. Maybe this will be helpful. Vicki said:  "I don't get it!" "There's over 46million Black Americans in this country. We've been fighting the, "Brick Wall", for 400 years and counting. Institutional racism/Capitalism/ mixed with White Privilege/White supremacy/Hate. It's nothing but the devil's workshop. My biggest problem. Why do my people have to suffer? Why pick on Black and Brown people. I think the more successful Blacks become. The bigger the price we pay as a whole. And what I don't understand. The upper tier of black society are even quicker to attack their own race just to make the white man happy. I don't get it. " Wekesa's response: Vicki, it's very simple and very sad. We want to avoid the sadness, so we avoid the simple truth. Fear accompanies the sadness. ...