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Showing posts from April, 2013

Warriors | Healers | Builders - Leadership and Personal Development Series for Black Men and Women

Warriors | Healers | Builders Upcoming Session in Washington DC June 7-9, 2013 This is the heart and soul of AYA! Everything we do is designed to make us better warriors, healers, and builders. It matters not whether it's a photography workshop, a math class, or relationship coaching. The goal is the same. Warriors: We must become better warriors challenging the People Policies Practices  that aggress upon our families, our people and our community. It's simple. Find them and challenge them. Choose your area, unfortunately, we continue to be preyed upon in every conceivable area of life. Healers: African people world-wide have been and continue to be wounded by white supremacy and other forms of oppression and injected oppression. Unfortunately, neither educational attainment, physical prowess, of political position is sufficient. We need safe place to discover and heal from the brutal trauma that reverberates down the generational lines from our ance...

Teachers, Ambassadors & Volunteers Needed.

AYA @ Columbia Drive. Teachers, Tutors, Ambassadors and Volunteers Want to make a difference? Tired of just hearing others talk about the problems facing Black youth and Black people? C'mon, join a power, proven, movement. Join AYA Educational Institute. We help adults, and middle and high school students. *Warriors and Healers: The Original *WH- Health Builders *Building A Culture of Business *Middle and High School Education and Degrees Are you an educator? Are you interested in learning the AYA Way? Do you want to support real education the produces excellent students prepared to render distinguished service to our people and the world? Do you have a skill or time that you could lend to our efforts? Will you spread the word about us? If the answer is yes, or maybe, contact us today. Email Wekesa or Afiya @ Also attend our Sunday Each One Reach One web conference on Sunday @ 3 PM Eastern By computer:...

LEAP: Leadership - Education - Advocacy- Program

LEAP Youth Leadership Development | Student Educational Excellence | Community Education | Educational Advocacy The Crisis Far too often leadership is defined by: Having massive followers Acquiring mass media attention Earning European, and increasingly Asian or another group’s approval. Increasingly, our leaders are chosen for us by others outside of our community who profit from creating and maintaining sickness in the Black community. Increasingly, we are seeking to live vicariously through our “leaders,” while our actual power and confidence to change our own circumstances shrink.Actual knowledge about the real condition of our families and our people declines; creative thinking about how to solve those problems sinks even further. Increasingly, those being prepared for leadership examine our community through the eyes of those who are alien to our community – ignoring the cultural and actual strengths of our community and our people. Identity with our community, cultu...

Registration for Summer & 2013-2014

Register Now... AYA Summer Clinics Computer Coding (Don't wait, get a head start, now) Photography (grants for next year)   (Here's another, but hurry) Math Language Arts Private Tutorials More info: Math Clinics: Foundational Advanced Customized Private Tutorial Language Arts: Reading Club - Books / Online / Video Creative Writing 5 Paragraph Essay Computer Programing: How To Code. Students actually learn to code computers. Instead of just playing them. They begin to make the computers do what they want them to do! (This may encourage you) Visual Arts: Photography (sample) Cinematography Interested? Come to the open house Sunday's 7pm. (Click Here) Volunteers and AYA Ambassadors @ 3pm Help us help others who need an AYA Education For Parents and Advanced Students: Understanding AYA and the AYA Way Following Araminta (Adult and Child Together) Fall Semester: From Home From an AYA L.E.A.P sites (for...