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Falsification of African Consciousness - Weekend Academy Special

Web-Conference Weekend 
Academy Special!

AYA offers many courses designed to prepare adults and youth for advanced historical, social, and psychological analysis and synthesis.

Useful for in both the university of life and academic universities, these courses will meet together on the weekends on starting Saturday, Sept. 27th. Register today!

Due to popular demand, we'll offer two special courses as a part of our national web-conference-based Weekend Academy so that student who attend other institutions, home school students, and adults who work can partake.

The two courses are:

Falsification of African Consciousnessbased on the work of Dr. Amos N. Wilson
The course is an introduction to Amos N. Wilson - his mission and his works. The course explores: 

  • How Eurocentric history-writing rationalizes and justifies European oppression of Afrikan peoples
  • How that process creates a  false Afrikan consciousness - one possessed by an alien consciousness that serves those aliens
  • How Afrikans have been socialized to tell our own stories from the Outside-In
  • Shape-shifting: How history-writing (Storytellin') shapes the psychology of our people and each of us individually
  • Time Travel: How manipulating the time dimension of history-writing (Storytellin') affects personal and group power. 
  • Eurocentric history as myth-making which creates historical amnesia in African to rob us of the material, mental, social, and spiritual power to overcome poverty and oppression

  • The power of rediscovery and rewriting (Storytellin' from the inside-out) Afrikan history and achievement of liberation and prosperity by Afrikan peoples

The course also examines how the the alleged mental illnesses and negative behaviors of oppressed Afrikan peoples is a political-economic necessity for the maintenance of White domination and imperialism." It examines how European education in general and the mental health establishment in particular work with the Eurocentric political establishment to misdiagnose, mislabel, and mistreat African people's behavioral reactions to their oppression, and our efforts to win freedom and independence. 

It seem amazing that Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness is 21 years old! So, it's grown now. It can buy spirits and even go to war. We celebrate it's 21st birthday, and we'll update any examples with more recent ones so that students can see the relevance for today.

It's not only a course in for enhanced and relevant critical thinking, it is also for creativity and healing.

Open to parents, community adults, college students, advanced high school students.

Each class will be taught via web-conference.

  • Book: Falsification of Afrikan Consciousness (Amos N. Wilson) (Enrolled in the Course and can't find a decently priced copy? Call me, I'll call Baba Sababu of Afro-World Info-systems)
  • Various supplemental in-class hand outs (pdfs)
  • Local Public Kwanzaa Presentations during the Week of Kwanzaa or approved equivalent
  • Quizzes, papers, discussions, narrative reflections

Fees:    $199.00 for each phase (High school students- $99)
Times: 11:30 AM -1:00 PM (Adults/Youth -Combo) 
Phase I: Sept. 27th - Oct. 25 - Phase II. Nov. 1st - Dec. 6th

Lead Instructor: Wekesa O. Madzimoyo

Five Theories - designed by Osofo Kwesi Atta

AYA Educational Institute

5 – Theories
  1. Theology / Spirituality
  2. Personality
  3. Education
  4. Oppression
  5. Success
--Osofo Kwesi Atta
Course Description:

Five Theories Course is a foundational process for students to begin to think critically about the theories that inform their behavior and life choices.  In this class students will become aware of the theoretical beliefs that shape their understanding
of Divine Reality (God);
of how persons develop to become the personality they are;
of how persons learn and how education is effective;;
of how oppression and racism are created, maintained and how we can eradicate it and become free and sovereign people;
of their specific definitions and measures of success. 
The class is more a facilitated workshop than a lecture course.  AYA believes that when students become clear and articulate in the theories that inform and shape their lives, they are more clear and deliberate in their life choices, understanding the motivating factors for those choices.  They are also able to see the beliefs and theories that inform and impact other persons’ decisions.  These students will be able to dialogue at a theoretical level rather than just at a surface decision level. 
Students will be evaluated on their ability to articulate clearly the theoretical constructs that inform the five structures of the course.  Grading will be based on:
  • Classroom presence and participation          
  • Assignment completion                                  
  • 2-5 page Reflection Papers per Theory          
  • Final Project/Presentation                                

The Instructor/Facilitator

Osofo Kwesi Atta is a native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina where he graduated from Winston-Salem State University.  He earned a Masters of Divinity degree from Duke University, and then moved to Richmond, Virginia for post-graduate studies in Clinical Pastoral Education.  At the Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Common Wealth University, he pursued and obtained certification as a Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor to help train other clergy in enhanced pastoral skills for grief and intervention.  Over the last 25+ years he has been an educator, a counselor, a diversity consultant, a organization consultant, a pastoral developer, an Afrikan spirituality student and teacher, a mentor-consultant to post graduate students developing their professional theoretical constructs.   Presently, he serves as Director of Clinical Pastoral Education for the Advocate Health Care System in Chicago, IL.  

He is married and the father of three adult daughters. 

Fees:    $199.00 for each phase (High school students- $99)
Times: 11:30 AM -1:00 PM (Adults/Youth -Combo) 

Phase I: TBA
Phase II. TBA


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